Monday, 27 September 2010

dicha: vintage and antique jewellery

I recently came across the brand Dicha, and have fallen completely and utterly head over heels. 

Dicha, which means happiness or joy in Spanish, was launched in February 2009 by UK designers Diane Metta and Chantal Laren, and focuses on restyling antique jewelery and accessories, to create exquisite, one-of-a-kind pieces. My love for vintage jewelery started when I received an antique silver bangle, originally from the 1930's, as a gift from a friend in England, and since then I've become an avid fan of vintage and antique jewelery as I'm fascinated by the idea that the jewelery has a history of its own, and has been loved and treasured by other people before me. Unfortunately though, I might have to wait a while before a Dicha piece can be added to my collection, as the prices are quite incredibly high, but hopefully one day I will be able to call a Dicha piece my own!

Below are a few of my favourite pieces from their very first collection, 'Decades', and if you want to view their full collection you can visit their website:

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