Thursday, 24 February 2011

go outside

It's not everyday that you see two young hollywood starlets take part in a music video for a relatively unknown indie band - but the today the day has arrived. In the music video for the Cult's 'Go Outside' Dave Franco (younger brother of James Franco, currently starring in 127 hours) plays a character obsessed with 1960s Jean-Luc Godard films. His wildest dreams appear to come true when Brigitte Bardot (played by Emma Roberts) steps out of the Godard film 'Contempt', and the two of them embark on a romantic night out and about in Los Angeles. This is definitely a different concept for a music video, and even though the idea can seem a bit random and far-fetched, I think the dream-like qualities and themes that run throughout the video perfectly reflect the dreamy undertones of the song. And there's no denying that Emma and Dave make a gorgeous couple. What do you think?

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